The ubiquitous Blue Tit is a garden bird feeder favourite. Its bold colouring and quick problem solving have made this a highly successful species. Studies have shown these small birds to be adept problem solvers able to remove pegs to get at food and open match boxes. Many British families often found the cream off the top of the milk on their doorstep missing as these clever little birds worked out that by pecking through the silver foil lids they could feast on the milk and cream.
Other strange behaviour has also been observed as when trapped inside a house the birds will often tear up any available paper from books to newspapers and even wallpaper in what is thought to be an attempt to copy feeding behaviour where they remove bark in search of insects. Natural prey is aphids, caterpillars and other insects with some fruit and grain.
They are found throughout the UK except for the Orkney and Shetland islands and are widespread across Europe from parts of North Africa to the edge of Scandinavia with an estimated 20-44 million breeding pairs across Europe with a UK population of approximately 3.6 million breeding pairs and an additional 15 million birds wintering in the UK from October to March.
Blue tits will start seeking nest sites in February and will nest in tree holes and rock crevices and will use nesting boxes, laying egg 8-15 in April to May. The eggs are white with red brown spots and hatch after about 14 days, leaving the nest 15 days later after being fed by both parents. Young have pale yellow feathers which become white in the adult.
Originally a woodland bird they could be found in small flocks hunting insects in a group where if one bird misses an insect another in the flock would catch it. Nowadays they are mostly associated with garden bird feeders preferring nut bags, fat balls and coconut halves rather than landing on bird tables, and are most common member of the Tit family seen in the UK
Order: Passeriformes
Family: Paridae
Genus: Cyanistes
Species: Caeruleus
All of Europe apart from the north of Scandinavia.
Physical Details
Length: 12cm
Weight: 11g